Visit us at ICIQP 2022!
MNE 2022 is over, next stop is ICIQP 2022!
Last week we attended the MNE 2022 conference in Leuven, Belgium. A big thank you to all attendees and everyone who came by our booth for a chat – it was a pleasure talking to both new and existing customers, and to learn more about your fabrication goals and requirements.
Next, we move our sights to the International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics (ICIQP) 2022, which this year is in our home country of Denmark, at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), in Kgs. Lyngby, from October 5-7. We welcome all attendees to visit our booth for a chat on how Beamfox can accelerate your quantum photonics research.
We hope to see you there!