Write Field Import – YAML Format Specification

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Write fields can be imported directly into Beamfox Proximity using a YAML file with a .yaml extension. This document explains the format used to generate write fields and alignment markers in such a file.

YAML Basics

At its core, files written in YAML primarily consist of key-value pairs, which in this documentation will be referred to as statements. Statements in YAML files contain an indentifier (the key) and the associated value, separated by a colon and space. Statements are separated by new lines. Some example statements are:

company-name: "Beamfox Technologies" 
pi: 3.14159
is-it-friday: true

In YAML, indentation is used to denote structure/nesting. YAML does not allow the use of tabs, and instead, spaces are used. There is no requirement to the number of spaces used to indent, as long as it is consistent throughout the document. In the example below, some properties of an animal is defined:

   type: "Fox"
   legs: 4
   has-tail: true

Here, the statements type, legs, and has-tail “belong” to the animal statement due to their indentation. YAML supports values of primitive datatypes (integers, strings, etc.), but also more complex data structure objects. Such objects can in themselves be understood as collections of statements. In the example above, animal does not take a primitive datatype (e.g., an integer), but instead takes a data object that consists of the statements type, legs, has-tail, and possibly more. Some statements may be required or optional, depending on the type of object or other factors such as the inclusion of other statements.

YAML also supports lists, which are defined using hyphens, where a hyphen indicates a new element in the list. Expanding on the previous example:

   type: "Fox"
   legs: 4
   has-tail: true
      - "Rodents"
      - "Birds"
      - "Berries"
      - "Fruits"

This list with four elements is contained within the diet statement, which itself is contained within the animal statement.

YAML statement keys are case sensitive, while statement values that are strings, such as the values of type and the list members of diet, are not.

For more information about the YAML language, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML.

Creating write fields

To create write fields, the YAML file should contain a combination of global statements, WriteField statements, and others. The statement fields, detailed further below, contains a list of WriteField objects. New write fields (or write field lattices) can be created by adding WriteField objects to this list, which in YAML is done with hyphens. For example, a single write field of width 500 micrometers and 1 million dots, with center in (250, 250), can be created with:

size: 500
dots: 1000000
 - origin:
    x: 250
    y: 250

The origin statement is a required statement of the WriteField object and specifies the center coordinates of the write field. Note, that the x and y statements relate to the origin statement, and must therefore be nested within this statement.

Another write field with center in (750, 750) can be added by adding another WriteField object to the list:

size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - origin:
     x: 250
     y: 250
  - origin:
     x: 750
     y: 750

We can add further properties to each write field by adding further statements supported in the WriteField object. Expanding on the previous example, the size of the first write field size is here changed to 300 micrometers, and the pitch (beam step size) is changed to 2 in the second write field:

size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - origin:
     x: 250
     y: 250
    size: 300
  - origin:
     x: 750
     y: 750
    pitch: 2

Note that the indentation of these added statements must match the indentation level of the origin statement, as they are all WriteField statements that refer to the same WriteField object.

E-beam system compability

The YAML write field file is designed to be universal, and therefore independent of different e-beam systems, which may have different settings or feature sets. When loading a write field file into the Beamfox Proximity application and running proximity effect correction, the application will ensure that the specified write fields and their properties are compatible with the selected output file format. Therefore, if the YAML file contains statements and/or statement values that are not compatible with the selected output file format, these will be ignored or converted as best possible, or an error is produced.

For advanced users

The content in this section is not strictly necessary for understanding the basic functionality of the format, and can therefore be skipped at the readers discretion. It can, however, provide valuable insights for users with more advanced use cases.

Virtual and physical write fields

It is possible to use write fields in Beamfox Proximity (virtual write fields) that are smaller than the actual write fields used by the e-beam system (physical write fields). This can potentially improve the quality and fidelty of the exposure, as this ensures writing will only occur in the central part of the physical write field, which reduces errors caused by defocus and astigmatism. The physical write field size is specified using the global size statement. The virtual write field size is specified using the size statement for individual WriteField objects.

Multi-pass mode

Geometries in the design that cross the interface between separate write fields are susceptible to stitching errors, caused by small offsets being introduced when the e-beam system moves from one write field to the next. This effect can be minimized at the expense of a slightly increased writing time by using multi-pass mode.

In multi-pass mode, geometries are written multiple times using a fraction of the dose with a slight offset each time. More specifically, the geometries are written passes number of times with a dose of 1 / passes. The offset between each pass is defined by a displacement distance of shift, and an angle of \phi_0 + \frac{2n + 1}{N}\pi relative to the x-axis, where n is the pass id running from 0 to N - 1 , \phi = rotation, and N = passes.

Note: Beamfox Proximity will display the effective write field instead of all the individual multi-pass write fields. This results in a virtual write field that is smaller than the specified size.

Splitting of geometries into write fields

Before running proximity effect correction, Beamfox Proximity will first check for geometries that lie either fully or partially outside of any write fields. Geometries that are partially outside are split at the edge of the write field, after which all geometries that lie outside of any write fields are discarded.

During proximity effect correction, Beamfox Proximity will fracture all geometries based on dose, user settings, and existing fractures. The resulting geometries are then assigned to write fields.

The geometries will be assigned to the first write field in which the geometry can be entirely contained. The first write field depends on the writing order, which is determined by the order in the YAML file. For lattices, the order is defined by write_mode. If a geometry cannot be fully contained within a single write field, the geometry will be split at edge of the first write field. The two parts of the newly-split geometries are both considered new geometries, and go through the same process again. This process continues until all geometries have been assigned to write fields.

Autofill fields capture and split geometries similarly to write fields.

For write fields with multi-pass enabled, a geometry will only be captured by the resulting effective write field. In other words, a geometry will only be captured if it is placed within the area that is overlapped by all multi-pass passes.

Exposure errors can potentially be introduced when geometries are split between write fields. This effect can be minimized by introducing an overlap between write fields in a lattice, specified as a fraction of the write field size. This ensures that more geometries are completely contained within write fields and do not need to be split, at the cost of adding more write fields.

Global statements

Global statements are statements that are specified at the top level of the file. In other words, they are statements without indentation in the file. There are 4 overall types of global statements:

  1. E-beam system setting statements. These are used to configure the e-beam system, and include the size and dots statements.
  2. Write field value statements. These statements change the default properties of the write fields. If these values are not specified, the default values specified in this documentation are used. These statements can also be applied to individual write fields and write field lattices. Such statements include pitch, multipass, overlap, write_mode, and origin_mode.
  3. Fields statement. Write fields are defined by adding elements to the fields statement.
  4. Alignment marks. These statements describe the location of all global and local markers. This includes the marks and local_marks fields.

For statements that take either a scalar value or a point-like value, if a scalar value is provided, the value is converted to a point-like value with the same values for both x and y.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
sizeRequiredreal or RealPointsize > 0The physical size of the write field in micrometers. All sizes of subsequently defined write fields must not be larger than this value. size must be a valid option in the e-beam system to be used.
dotsRequiredinteger or IntegerPointdots > 0The number of dots for the write fields. dots must be a valid option in the e-beam system to be used.
pitchOptionalinteger or Pitchpitch > 01The default pitch for writing. This may be overridden for individual WriteField objects.
multipassOptionalMultipassdisabledThe default multi-pass mode. This may be overwritten for individual WriteField objects. If not specified, multipass mode will be disabled.
overlapOptionalreal0 <= overlap < 10The default overlap for write field lattices. This may be overwritten for invidual WriteField objects.
write_modeOptionalWriteModeWriteMode::defaultThe default write mode for lattices and subfields. This may be overwritten for individual WriteField objects.
origin_modeOptionalOriginModeOriginMode::defaultThe default origin mode for lattices. This may be overwritten for individual WriteField objects.
fieldsOptionallist of WriteFieldemptyA list of WriteField objects each containing write fields or write field lattices. Write fields will be exported in the order of this list.
marksOptionallist of RealPointemptyA list of the positions of all the global markers.
local_marksOptionallist of RealPointemptyA list of the positions of all the local markers.

When loading a YAML write field file into the Beamfox Proximity application, the values specified in the file will overwrite the values set within the application.

See examples Marks.yaml, LocalMarks.yaml, and FullExample.yaml.

Global statements will in the following be referred to as global.statementName.


The global.fields statement takes a list of WriteField objects, each of which describes a single write field or a lattice of write fields. If it is supplied, the autofill statement is used to create an autofill field that automatically places write fields within a given region.

Several of these statements can be used to overwrite the default values defined by global statements for the individual WriteField object.

Any WriteField object is technically a lattice of write fields, with the columns and rows specifying the number of columns and rows in the lattice. A single write field is a special case where both columns and rows are set to 1, or are both not given. By default, the lattice is arranged so that the write fields’ edges touch. If the overlap statement is supplied, write fields in the lattice are arranged so that they overlap by the specified amount. Alternatively, the lattice vectors lattice_vector_a and lattice_vector_b can be given to specify the exact displacement between write fields in the lattice, where lattice_vector_a specifies the displacement between columns, and lattice_vector_b specifies the displacement between rows. It is recommended to use the overlap statement for most use cases, and only specify the lattice vectors for advanced use cases. Providing both the overlap statement and the lattice vector statements results in an error.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
autofillOptionalAutoFilldisabledIf supplied, then creates a region to automatically place write fields. The AutoFill object then describes the information of the automatically filled region.
originRequired*OriginThe origin of the write field lattice/single write field.
columnsOptional*integercolumns > 01The number of columns in the lattice. Do not supply for a single write field.
rowsOptional*integerrows > 01The number of rows in the lattice. Do not supply to get a single write field.
lattice_vector_aOptional*RealPoint*****The primary lattice vector.
lattice_vector_bOptional*RealPoint*****The secondary lattice vector.
sizeOptionalreal or RealPoint0 < size <= global.sizeglobal.sizeThe size of the write field(s).
pitchOptionalinteger or Pitchpitch > 0global.pitchThe pitch for writing.
multipassOptionalfalse or Multipassglobal.multipassEnables multi-pass mode. If false, or not supplied, then multi-pass is disabled. The Multipass object then describes the multi-pass conditions.
overlapOptionalreal0 <= overlap < 1global.overlapThe overlap of the write fields in the lattice.
write_modeOptionalWriteModeglobal.write_modeThe write mode for the lattice and subfields for all write fields.

* Must not be supplied when autofill is enabled.
** lattice_vector_a and lattice_vector_b must not be parallel.
*** The lattice vectors default to vectors that ensure that specified overlap is fulfilled.

See examples FieldSingle.yaml, FieldDouble.yaml, FieldArray.yaml, FieldVectors.yaml, and FieldOverlap.yaml.


An autofill field describes a region in which the Beamfox Proximity application should automatically place write fields. Autofill fields capture geometries similarly to write fields, and after all geometries have been assigned, the autofill field is subsequently split into a write field lattice that consists of the smallest number of write fields that can cover the autofill field, respecting the specified values.

Autofill fields have no upper limit on their size, and can thus be larger than the physical write field size.

The AutoFill object describes the region covered by the autofill field, as well as the origin properties of the resulting write field lattice.

Geometries that lie outside of the AutoFill Regions and are not caputered by other write fields, will in all cases be discarded, even if the resulting write field lattice could contain them. When setting origin.mode.lattice to “LowerLeft”, the origin should be placed at or before the lower left corner of the AutoFill Region. If the origin of the lattice is placed within the AutoFill Region, some geometries may be discarded.

Autofill areas are shown in the Beamfox Proximity application with a green tint to distinguish them from write fields.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
originOptionalOrigindisabledThe origin of the resulting lattice. This can be used to force the center or lower left side of the lattice to be at a specific location. If not supplied, the lattice will center on the contained geometries.
regionOptionalRegiondisabledThe region from which geometries can be captured. If not supplied, then the entire plane is used as the region.

See examples AutofillDefault.yaml, AutofillRegion.yaml, and AutofillOrigin.yaml.


An Origin object is a point in the plane with real coordinates as well as an OriginMode that describes what part of the write field or write field lattice is located at that position.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
xRequiredrealThe x-coordinate of the origin.
yRequiredrealThe y-coordiante of the origin.
modeOptionalOriginModeglobal.origin_modeThe location within the write field lattice the origin point coordinates correspond to.

See example Origin.


A Region object describes a rectangle in the plane.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
sizeRequiredreal or RealPointsize > 0The size of the region.
originRequiredRealPointThe point in the plane where the origin is located.
modeOptional“LowerLeft” or “Center”“LowerLeft”What point in the region the origin point refers to.

See example Region.


A RealPoint object describes a point in the plane with real coordinates.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
xRequiredrealThe x-coordinate of the point.
yRequiredrealThe y-coordiante of the point.

See example RealPoint.


An IntegerPoint object describes a point in the plane with integer coordinates.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
xRequiredintegerThe x-coordinate of the point.
yRequiredintegerThe y-coordinate of the point.

See example IntegerPoint.


A Pitch object describes the pitch (beam step size) used for writing. The pitch (beam step size) is the stride, or number of steps, between exposed dots. As an example, if the distance between dots is 0.5 nanometers, a specified pitch of 10 means that only every tenth dot is exposed, and the physical pitch becomes 5 nanometers. Note that scan and feed do not always correspond to the x and y (or, horizontal and vertical) directions, as this depends on the e-beam system and the geometry to write.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
scanRequiredintegerscan > 0The pitch when scanning the geometry.
feedRequiredintegerfeed > 0The pitch when line feeding.

See example Pitch.


The concept of multi-pass is detailed further up in this document, under For advanced usersMulti-pass mode.

Multi-pass is enabled when the multipass statement is given for a WriteField object. The Multipass object describes the properties of the multi-pass to be performed.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
passesRequiredintegerpasses > 1The number of write fields to use for mult-ipassing.
shift_distRequiredrealshift_dist > 0The distance to displace each write field.
rotation_angleOptionalreal0The offset angle of the displacement direction.

See example Multipass.yaml and MultipassDisabled.yaml.


The WriteMode object describes the writing mode, which itself determines the write order for write fields in lattices and subfields.

dir can be either “Horizontal” or “Vertical”. In “Horizontal” mode, the write fields are written row by row. In “Vertical”, mode the write fields are written column by column.

type can be either “Scan” or “Snake”. In “Scan” mode, all rows/columns are written starting from the beginning of the row/column. In “Snake” mode, the rows/columns are written alternating from the beginning and the end of the row/column in a snake-like pattern.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
dirOptional“Horizontal” or “Vertical”“Horizontal”The direction to scan in while writing.
typeOptional“Scan” or “Snake”“Snake”The mode for feeding to a new line.

See examples WriteModeHorizontalScan.yaml and WriteModeVerticalSnake.yaml.


When write field lattices are placed, the origin coordinates is given by the origin statement. However, what this position corresponds to within the field or lattice itself, is decribed by the OriginMode object.

The lattice statement describes the placement of origin within the lattice. If it is “Center”, the specified origin position refers to the center of the lattice. If it is “LowerLeft”, the specified origin position then refers to the location of the first write field in the lattice, the origin mode of which is determined by the field statement.


NameRequirementValue typeConditionsDefaultDescription
latticeRequired“LowerLeft” or “Center”“LowerLeft”The location of origin within the lattice.
fieldRequired*“LowerLeft” or “Center”“Center”The location of origin within the origin write field.

*Must not be supplied when lattice = “Center”.

See examples OriginModeLL_LL.yaml, OriginModeLL_C.yaml, and OriginModeC.yaml.

Global statement examples


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - x: -50
    y: -50
  - x: 350
    y: 350


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - x: -50
    y: 350
  - x: 350
    y: -50


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
        lattice: LowerLeft
        field: LowerLeft
    size: 300
  - x: -50
    y: -50
  - x: 350
    y: 350
  - x: -50
    y: 350
  - x: 350
    y: -50

WriteField examples


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: LowerLeft
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: LowerLeft
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
  - origin:
      x: 500
      y: 500


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: LowerLeft
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
    columns: 2
    rows: 2


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: LowerLeft
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
      x: 200
      y: 200
      x: 0
      y: 400


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: LowerLeft
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
    overlap: 0.1

AutoFill examples


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - autofill:


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - autofill:
        size: 100
          x: 50
          y: 50
        mode: LowerLeft


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  - autofill:
        x: 100
        y: 100
          lattice: LowerLeft
          field: LowerLeft

Various examples


  x: 5.5
  y: 11.7
    lattice: LowerLeft
    field: Center


size: 1500
  x: 1000
  y: 500
mode: Center


  x: 6.2
  y: 1.6


  x: 6
  y: 1


  scan: 2
  feed: 3

Multipass examples


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  passes: 3
  shift_dist: 100
  rotation_angle: -1.04719755119
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
        lattice: LowerLeft
        field: LowerLeft


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  passes: 3
  shift_dist: 100
  rotation_angle: -1.04719755119
  - origin:
      x: 0
      y: 0
        lattice: LowerLeft
        field: LowerLeft
    multipass: false

WriteMode examples


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  dir: Horizontal
  type: Scan
  - columns: 2
    rows: 2
      x: 0
      y: 0


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  dir: Vertical
  type: Snake
  - columns: 2
    rows: 2
      x: 0
      y: 0

OriginMode examples


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: LowerLeft
  - size: 200
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
      x: 0
      y: 0


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: LowerLeft
  field: Center
  - size: 200
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
      x: 0
      y: 0


size: 500
dots: 1000000
  lattice: Center
  - size: 200
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
      x: 0
      y: 0

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